Jesus still loves us and washes us with His Blood - 16th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “And He, bearing His cross, went out ...
Your mind needs healing - 15th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “And the soldiers twisted a crown of ...
God’s amazing love over us - 14th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “who Himself bore our sins in His ...
The Blood of Jesus took away our shame to give His honor and joy instead - 13th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “I gave My back to those who ...
The blood of Jesus empowers our will to do God’s will* - 9th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “Father, if it is Your will, take ...
The Blood protects in time and for eternity - 8th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “how much more shall the blood of ...
The Power of the Blood of Jesus - 7th April 2020 *Grace for you today *! God watches over you !! “how much more shall the blood of ...
God is the Covenant keeping God - 6th April 2020 *Grace for you today *! God watches over you !! “And I prayed to the LORD my ...
You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees - 3rd April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “Then she (Hagar) called the name of ...
Jesus knows you what no body else knows - 2nd April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and ...