You are under Almighty’s surveillance - 30th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “He left Judea and departed again to ...
Jesus is the Friend in need - 29th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “Then Jesus went out from there and ...
What a Friend we have in Jesus ! - 28th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “When He had come down from the ...
True Repentance through unconditional love - 27th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “And when Jesus came to the place, ...
Jesus is More than willing to bless you - 24th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! And behold, a leper came and worshiped ...
Knowing Jesus is walking in holiness - 23rd April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “*For this is the will of God, ...
God’s will for you - 22nd April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “The Lord is not slack concerning His ...
In everything , give thanks - 21st April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “In everything give thanks; for this is ...
Jesus cares enough to take you to the other side ! - 20th April 2020 Grace for you today ! God watches over you !! “ 23 Now when He got into ...
Jesus restores every relationship by His Blood - 17th April 2020 *Grace for you today *! *God watches over you *!! “But one of the soldiers pierced His ...