In everything , give thanks

21st April 2020
Grace for you today
God watches over you !!

“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

*What is God’s will in our life ? In everything give thanks to God through Christ.* God is not the author of confusion . But He will turn the confusion to cause rest to us. We will experience this when we begin to thank God especially during this trying time .
Our attitude needs to be that of a heart of gratitude. Because, He is all wise God and always does things that will bless mankind . Seeing things from God’s perspective will make our personality dynamic & yet sober minded. We will never be in mediocrity or in lack but always be abounding in His grace .
To thank God in everything is God’s revealed will for mankind .
When you do what is already revealed , He will reveal what is still unrevealed.
Thank you Jesus
. Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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