Knowing the Father of Glory allows you to experience His best through your rest in Him!


March 12, 2025
Grace For You Today!

Knowing the Father of Glory allows you to experience His best through your rest in Him!

“Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down.” Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted.”
—John 6:10-11 (NKJV)

Jesus’ command, “Make the people sit down,” signifies the posture of rest—a call to trust in His provision. His test for us is not about striving but about resting in what He has already accomplished on Calvary’s Cross. This is the Finished Work of Christ!

Jesus paid the highest price to redeem us from all sin, sickness, curses, and every form of evil—including death itself. He became sin, He became a curse, and He died our death. He took our place so that we could take His!

Now, what Jesus has finished on the Cross, the Holy Spirit applies to our lives when we choose to rest in His exalted position—given to Him because of His sinless life. This is the Divine Exchange:
• Jesus took my sin so I could receive His righteousness.
• He took my sickness so I could have His health.
• He took my curse so I could walk in His irreversible blessing.
• He took my poverty so I could enjoy His immeasurable abundance.
• He took my fear and failure so I could live in His victory.
• He took my death so I could have His eternal life!

Resting in His Finished Work allows the Holy Spirit to do the rest in our lives. Hallelujah!

My beloved friend, you have sought Him diligently—now let His grace seek you today!

Daddy God, I have tried everything I knew to solve the issues that have been opposing and oppressing me. But I cannot—only Your Holy Spirit can! Today, I choose to rest in Jesus’ unparalleled obedience on my behalf. Holy Spirit, apply in my life everything my Lord Jesus has already provided on the Cross. Let Your Glory, who raised Jesus from the dead, bring transformation in me today. Amen!

Praise Jesus, our RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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