20th May 2020
Grace for you today !
God’s abounding Grace and Peace!!
“And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”” John 1:36 NKJV
The lockdown, as I understand, was to slow down the rapid speed at which this world was going on- just to quote one : the educational system in a certain part of the world was that every child soon after its birth was enrolled in the best neighborhood school, so that by the time the child turns 3 or 4, gets admission coupled with a huge capitation . Now we see in the current online schooling system that the school management don’t dare even to ask for fees in the first place , let alone capitation .
The whole world was moving in such a mad frenzy that reminds me of two movies in the early 1970s – The MacKenna’s Gold and It’s the mad, mad, mad , mad world. The survival of the fittest has become the bench mark today . The disparity between the strong & the weak has so greatly widened the gulf that the weak & the less privileged stand no chance.
Can we foresee now whether it is the survival of the fittest or the revival of the weakest which will be future ?
Behold the Lamb of God , though He seems to be timid and weak, yet He is the most Powerful and the most brilliant . *As we look to Him, His Righteousness clothes us and energises us through His Holy Spirit to excel beyond the fittest- A New Normal *!
Amen 🙏
Praise Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Church