23rd August 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ in me – The Spirit of Glory
“And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. So he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn.””
Exodus 3:2-3 NKJV
The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire that set the bush burning yet not consumed .
The burning bush was a reflection of Moses’ life that had fiery trials for 40 years.
God had spoken to him that he would deliver a whole nation out of slavery and bandage from Egypt to lead them to a land following with milk and honey. However, the opposite happened . He killed an Egyptian not knowing the right way – righteous way of God.
He was labelled as a murderer and a traitor by the Egyptians. He wad labelled as a deceiver by his own countrymen( the children of Israel). His own conscious smote him calling him a coward. It was a season of fiery trials! Moses who was somebody is now nobody . His thoughts kept haunting him for 40 years until the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in the burning bush, to reveal that he was not alone during these days of trials & great agony . God was with him just the way Angel was in the bush that was burning. That’s the reason for the mystery that the bush was burning & yet not burnt !
Yes my beloved, the ordeals in life that you have gone through or still going through may have caused a great discomfort and anguish and pain but did not consume you or could not destroy you because the Great I AM is with you and is in you( in the burning bush)! The burning will result into blessing today!
Christ is in you is the secret that you are not consumed in your fiery trials! He is the hope of glory and great exaltation. He is the Spirit of Glory bringing out His hidden blessing to fruition this day ! Amen 🙏
Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church