The set time of your favour has come!

11th October 2022
Grace for you today!
Christ in me – God’s set time for my glory !

“But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭17:21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When God spoke the above words to Abraham, he was 99 years old and his wife Sarah was 89. By this time, both of them had gone past the age of child bearing. Monotony had set in their life because of their long wait for a child and also with aging, life was on a deceleration mode with their end almost round the corner.

But, God intervened in the cycle of monotony and deceleration. He intercepted and reversed the trend instantaneously . Acceleration began, life once again blossomed, youthfulness returned & they were full of fun and frolic . When their youthfulness was restored, the net outcome was a bouncing and chubby little baby in their arms.
I can imagine the exceeding joy the renewed couple were having . They began to laugh and laugh & it was so loud that their neighbours were awestruck . It was unbelievable & beyond any reason or logic. It was a very unusual favour of God!

My beloved, you are a child of God because of Jesus! Also, a child of Abraham and Sarah by covenant!! If God could do the unusual act of favour in their lives then, how much more in your life now ? Your set time has come! There is a paradigm shift taking place now. God is taking you to a new level on account of Jesus’ obedience at the Cross. The Holy Spirit is intercepting the downward trend and the tides are changing now . You have transcended into His favoured zone!
Believe and confess that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus feverishly & receive His uncommon favour today!
The set time has come! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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