Beholding Jesus Transforms You From The Natural To The Supernatural!

24th November 2023
Grace for you today !
Beholding Jesus transforms you from the natural to the supernatural !

“Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by” – Mark 6:48 NKJV

Jesus who had stayed back to pray on the mountain top, saw that his disciples had reached just the middle of the 6-8 miles wide sea, straining against a contrary wind, even after rowing for 9 hours tirelessly.

The astounding thing was that Jesus could see them from that distance. The other astounding thing was that He could come down from the Mountain to the waters edge and then walk about 3 -4 miles on a turbulent sea, to cross the disciples from behind …. all in a short while, for it was the 4th watch i.e. the 10th hour had started. It’s humanly impossible!

My beloved, this is a perfect demonstration of the moving in the spirit realm- above the storm, above the troubled waters, beyond the gravitational force, faster than the chariots, just as Prophet Elijha who asked King Ahab to take his chariot to Jezreel, but he himself outran the chariot & the horses to be at the gate of Jezreel before the king – as the Spirit of the Lord came upon him (ref 1King 18:45 NKJV).

Prophet Jonah also traversed a 3 days journey to Nineveh in less than a day. (Ref Jonah 3:3,4 NKJV).

The key is that Jesus prayed, thanking God, before He acted. On the other hand, the disciples had directly set out to work.
Jesus was fully man, however his regular communing with God, elevated Him to the spiritual realm, to be able to demonstrate the natural-law defying acts. But , the disciples struggled trying to overcome the obstacle by their own strength – It’s Prayer vs Performance!

Prayer lifts us up to the spiritual realm so that the performance becomes effortless.

This morning, let us seek God to walk in this new dimension and rescript our lives to align with His, in all areas so that we can fulfil His will ( God’s desired destiny for us ) on earth as it is done is heaven and walk in our kairos moments, promptly escaping the storms that try to delay our destiny!!

Praise Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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