29th November 2023
Grace for you today!
Beholding Jesus Attracts Every Blessing Of The Father Towards You!
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6 NKJV
Beloved of the Lord Jesus! As we are coming to the end of this month, let’s reflect on the promise verse for this month today.
1)For every blessing, God has defined a way to possess it in the Scripture.
2)We find in the Old Testament, that once He blesses, it can never be reversed by Him. But man can forfeit the blessing through his foolishness or allow the devil to steal it through his ignorance.
3)Finally, when God blesses any human, He adds no sorrow to it .
When Jesus said, “ I am the Way”, it means that He is the Way to any blessing.
He is the Truth and as Truth is eternal and permanent, so also the blessings ( including salvation , the Holy Spirit- the Presence of God) to man are eternal and permanent, because the Lord Jesus Himself fulfilled the requirement of the Law & earned it for us (as every blessing is conditional)
He is the Life. As His life is without sorrow & it is inexplicable joy & full of glory, so are also His blessings!
My beloved, the Old Testament believers strived hard to possess blessings and even after having them, they lived in the constant fear of losing the blessing just as Job feared ( Job3:25).
But the believer in the New Testament needn’t have to strive to have the blessing nor live in the fear of losing the blessing . All we need to do is to behold Jesus and keep focussing on Jesus in our life. All blessings come seeking you and they stay with you forever . This is because you are called as the beloved child of the Heavenly Father.This new identity of you serves as a magnet that attracts every blessing toward you, the heir. These blessings are unearned, unmerited & yes, they are eternal! Hallelujah! Amen 🙏
Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church