Beholding Jesus the Light of the world exalts our nation & establishes it !

24th February 2023
Grace for you today!
Beholding Jesus the Light of the world blesses your nation

Psalms 89:14,16
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth ( Grace and Truth in Greek) go before your face. n your name they rejoice all day long and in Your Righteousness they are exalted.

Dear Beloved of God ,
The Law was given to Moses for the children of Israel but Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ for each one of us.
Jesus goes before us making every contrary wind to cease so that we are empowered to seize our unshakable destiny.

We speak healing to the minds of the people of Nigeria by proclaiming that they are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and therefore, no weapon fashioned against them can prosper. His Righteousness will lay the foundations of a stable Government which actually is resting on the shoulders of Almighty God. His Grace will doubly restore the years lost to corruption and bribery. The Lord will rebuild every lost dream of this land.

Jehovah Tsidkenu is not slack concerning His promise because to Him a thousand years is like a single day. No more delays. No more barenness.

Rejoice people of God for your day of victory is now.

The outcast & the least will become a strong & Righteous nation says the Lord of hosts!

Praise Jesus the light of the world!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church.

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