Dew of Heaven is Resurrection from the dead !

11th November 2021
Grace for you today !
Excellency of Dignity and Power!

“Your dead shall live; Together with my dead body they shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; For your dew is like the dew of herbs, And the earth shall cast out the dead.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Dew of Heaven also signifies resurrection from the dead . Hallelujah! It’s amazing how the Prophet Isaiah prophesied that those sleep in Christ will rise again!

Yes my beloved, Jesus Christ indeed rose from the grave! How can Grace be held by the grave? Death & grave couldn’t hold Him !

The Grace of Heaven quickens every situation and every condition that is experiencing death. Is your hope dashed?
Do you feel that your situation is beyond repair? Be of good cheer! That same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead quickens your body and makes you whole. Praise Jesus ! You have a miracle *! *Today is your day ! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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