Encounter Jesus The King Of Glory & Experience Reigning On Earth as Kings & Priests!


2nd September 2024
Grace For You Today!
Encounter Jesus The King Of Glory and Experience Reigning On Earth as Kings & Priests!

“And (You) have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.””•
Revelation‬ ‭5‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Happy and Blessed September !

My beloved, this month of September dawns with two great promises:
1. This month is the month of great revival !
2. This month is the month of sudden breakthroughs!

God will grant awesome revelations of the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and also revelations of His Personal and Special Treasure – the Holy Spirit.
These two Persons work so intricately and are so inseparable in their functionality that can blow off into pieces, every scheme & weapon of the enemy, so much so even if you search and seek your enemies & their dirty tricks, you will never will be able to find them.

Secondly, through this revelation you will experience the Holy Spirit – “The God Of The Suddenly”.
Yes my beloved, get ready to experience sudden breakthroughs especially in these three areas:
A) Sudden outbreak & surge of Divine health and strength.
B) Sudden explosive streaming of wealth
C) Supernatural Heavenly protection.

My beloved , though I have listed these three areas yet the sudden breakthrough extends to other areas of your life such as career, education, business, profession, family, ministry and above all your prayers life (relationship with God) and Scriptural meditations( revelations of God). Hallelujah!
I am already thrilled and very excited about it!

You are the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus !
You are both a king and a priest to God, destined to reign on earth! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus our RIGHTEOUSNESS !!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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