Encountering Jesus the King of Glory, engraces you with exceeding favor!

16th January 2024
Grace For You Today
Encountering Jesus the King of Glory, engraces you with exceeding favor!

”Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

God-kind of blessing is dependant upon the place that God has ordained for you!

Isaac was instructed by God his Lord to stay in the same place where he was dwelling when he wanted to flee to Egypt during the time of severe famine (verse 1,2).
It is natural and human tendency to relocate to a seemingly greener pasture when there is famine or some kind of difficulty or uneasiness threatening existence.

Naomi along with her husband and her two sons moved out of her God -ordained- place called Bethlehem to the country of Moab where she incurred heavy losses- loss of property, loss of lives, loss of security, loss of peace & hope of future (Ruth 1:1-5). It was a testing time!

But thanks be to God, who enlightened the eyes of Ruth ( one of the two daughters-in- law) to go to Bethlehem.

For Naomi, it was returning to the place that God had ordained for her. But, for Ruth it was a pursuit to seek after her God- ordained- place because she was a moabite ( a foreigner). Ruth was insistent to go with her mother-in- law even though she was discouraged to follow her. She knew that she will find favor in the place God positions her. In fact she found great favor – favor beyond her wildest imagination to bring forth the Son of David, the Savior of the world by entering the lineage (Ruth 2: 2-10).Hallelujah!

My beloved friend, you will find great favor causing you to abound beyond measures , far beyond your expectations where the Lord God positions you. For the favor of God is the attestation that is evidently seen to confirm the place (Destiny) that God has positioned you.

Dear Daddy God, please enlighten me to know the place that You have ordained for me so that I may find Your great favor as your attestation upon my destiny.
Help me through Your Holy Spirit to be strengthened with might that I may be able to endure to stay on inspite of temptations that come my way to shake me. Even though for a season I may be tempted to leave the place just the way Isaac was tempted but endured & obeyed & saw 100 fold harvest, so also let the power of Your might through the Holy Spirit help me to pursue the place of my destiny that You have ordained for me & may the strength of Your might enable me to remain unshaken in Jesus name.
Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Churches

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