Fear not! It’s all His amazing grace!!

bible verse

26th August 2020
Grace for you today
God exceeds your expectation !

So David said to him ( Mephibosheth), “Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.”
‭‭II Samuel‬ ‭9:7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

What a blessed assurance ! When blessings exceed our expectation, one thing that strikes us immediately is “Fear”. I still remember the day vividly, when I was serving as a Director for the International Affairs in a big Christian organization, the founder called and handed me a letter signed by him , stating that I have exceeded his expectation in my performance and therefore he has promoted me to have an additional portfolio as a Director of another huge department. These two portfolios made me the overall in-charge of that organization.A sudden fear struck me strong & I felt totally incapable of handling the task. As tears rolled down my cheeks, thoughts were bombarding my mind as to what if I miserably fail, unable to meet out the expectations.
Hardly did I realise that I was never worthy of this elevation in the first place . In spite of my shortcomings , God still promoted me – His unmerited favor! At this point, to think that I have earned the favour or to fear that I may fail miserably in the future is both unwanted & illogical.

Yes my beloved , Do not fear ! God’s Favor is unconditional and never based on your performance . He still blesses you irrespective of your weakness. The wise king David spoke these fabulous words to the fear-struck Mephibosheth. Even so , the All-wise-God who knows all your shortcomings, still decided to stake His life on the Cross just for you. For He is fully sure that His Grace will ensure that you to win this race on the earth in a victorious note! Hallelujah!! Amen 🙏

Praise the Lord Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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