His righteousness is the key that opens doors in your favor!

29th September 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ in me – the Fullness of God !

“So Peter went out and followed the angel, and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed from him.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭12:9-10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When the time of your deliverance comes, doors will open of its own accord. You need not struggle & you need not pray hard to open doors . As a matter of factly, Peter was sleeping when the angel of deliverance appeared (verse 6) in the prison . However, the early Church was constantly praying ( verse 5) in the background . It may even seem that you are dreaming or seeing a vision when your time of deliverance has come .

The turnaround is so swift, so sudden, so overwhelming that makes you think that you are imagining or dreaming.

No matter how resistant the sickness has become which has closed its door on you to the point of no recovery or no matter how vehemently your accusers have shut the door on you that it seems like there is no further growth or future rather things are getting from bad to worse, Jesus will surely show up today. He is the Door! He is not only the ‘Way Maker’, but also the ‘ Way’. He is the ‘Truth’ – making every fact bow to Him. He is the ‘Life’ – making hopelessness vanish away giving you a new leash of life .

Believe Jesus , receive His free gift of Righteousness. His righteousness is the key to open doors to turn around the situation in your favour in Jesus name ! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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