Jesus is the revelation of all that God is to mankind!

21st December 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ in me, The Glorious Hope !

“In Him was life,  and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Who is Jesus ?

Jesus is the Eternal Word ( verse 1)
Jesus is the Personal Word ( verse 2)
Jesus is the Creative Word ( verse 3)
Jesus is the Life-giving-Word ( verse 4)
Jesus is the Light-giving -Word ( verse 5)

The WORD is the revelation of ALL that GOD is. Again JESUS is the revelation of ALL that GOD is . Because, the Word of God is a Person called Jesus who came in the human form to make known to all men of ALL that GOD is.

Now, the WORD is in complete partnership with the HOLY SPIRIT to bring a complete transformation in your life.
According to this truth,
The WORD without the HOLY SPIRIT is just information.
The HOLY SPIRIT without The WORD is just inspiration.

So then, when I say, Jesus is the Eternal Word ( verse 1) , I also mean to say that though you and I began, yet we were in God’s dream eternally. ( The Holy Spirit brings this to our understanding).
When I say, Jesus is the Personal Word of God the Father ( verse 2), I also mean that Jesus is God’s special Word for you personally. ( The Holy Spirit applies God’s Personal Word to your life to bring your long cherished desires to fruition)
When I say, Jesus is the Creative Word (verse3) , I also mean that Jesus makes you a creative and an innovative person through the Holy Spirit.
When I say, Jesus is the Life -giving -Word (verse 4), I also mean that Jesus gives life into every aspect of your life through the Holy Spirit.
When I say, Jesus is the Light- giving-Word (verse 5), I also mean that Jesus separates you from all darkness and makes you not only outstanding but also a stand out person through the Blessed Holy Spirit.

My beloved friend, expect this truth to actualize in your personal life during this Christmas time.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus – eternally decided, executed on the Cross, actualized now (when we believe) to experience forever!  Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus Mashiach!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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