31st January 2025
Grace For You Today!
Knowing the Father of Glory Through The Spirit’s Enlightenment Empowers You To Be A Conqueror!
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,” Ephesians 1:17 NKJV
As we come to the end of this month, I want to emphasize the importance of personalizing this powerful prayer—“The Prayer of Enlightenment”.
This is the prayer above all prayers! When we pray it, divine guidance is released. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation draws us into God’s presence, making our worship effortless and pure (Psalm 43:3-4).
When a person walks in the Spirit of wisdom and revelation:
- He will not be shaken.
- He will move forward in life and never backward.
- He will always be above and never beneath.
- He will carry within him the power to conquer the world.
If you have these, you have everything in life.
Beloved, make this your prayer, and your life will never be the same.
Thank You, Blessed Holy Spirit, for leading and navigating our lives throughout this month, revealing the Father through His Son.
Thank you for joining me each day. May the Lord grant you a fresh experience of His love in the coming month.
Amen! 🙏
Praise Jesus our RIGHTEOUSNESS !!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church