11th March 2020
Grace for you today !
Having much more!!
“Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.”
Mark 5:15 NKJV
This is called as – “*The 180 degrees turn around miracle* “
This man mentioned in the verse above was completely possessed by demons ( around 6000 in number- a legion). He was absolutely insane, unbelievably violent and by no means could be shackled. He lived among the tombs , crying and howling all day and night. In other words, a horrific public spectacle of threat & terror. But the 180 degrees turn around miracle happened when this demon possessed man met Jesus, a total transformation beyond recognition to the awe & wonder of everyone!
“ The Jesus factor” made a fully insane man to be sane & sensible, dressed & dignified instantly, a miracle & a marvel !*This heavenly invasion made the heart of this man swell with great joy. Praise Jesus*! That’s my Jesus & He is the same even today. Amen 🙏
My dearly beloved , are you looking for a 180 degrees turn around , a paradigm shift ?!
Turn to Jesus today and experience your turn around miracle!
*Praise Jesus *! 🙏🏽
Grace Revolution Gospel Church