His righteousness has resulted in healing!

14th December 2021
Grace for you today !
The Power centre of Excellence!

“who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”
‭‭I Peter‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Most of us are aware of this great promise for our healing, “ By whose stripes you were healed” (Apostle Peter is quoting from Isaiah 53:5).

But what is not mentioned in Isaiah 53:5 which Apostle Peter highlights here is- “we might live for righteousness”. He is linking God’s Righteousness with our healing. In essence,the Apostle is saying that instead of putting our faith for our healing , we need to believe that Jesus has made made us righteous through His death on the Cross for our sins which makes us eligible for healing & every other blessing we hope for.

That’s the reason Apostle Peter mentions healing in the past tense. Because He has made us righteous on the Cross by His blood ( Romans 5:9) in the past . If Peter had not mentioned it in the past tense then we would have taken “Righteousness “ as our right doing in the present or in the future which we suppose to result in healing .
This in itself is a marvelous revelation!

Yes my beloved, seek His Righteousness for your healing. When you receive the Gift of Righteousness and speak that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you are qualified to be healed.
Don’t give up in your confession and surely healing and health will be your portion in experience. That’s how He has called out the church to manifest His manifold wisdom!
Hallelujah! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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