Rags to Riches

23rd September 2020
Grace for you today
Jesus your Firewall !!

“Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”
Acts‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This lame man walked in style to the disbelief of all who knew him. No one could ever imagine that this man (who was over 40 years of age) , who never walked in his life could ever walk as he started walking majestically before everyone.
Begging was his sole occupation because of his penury and physical impediment. However, God displayed His Majesty when He changed his pathetic occupation instantaneously to the utter amazement of all the onlookers & mockers.
This same God , who raised Jesus from the dead and made Him to be seated at His own right hand , can change even your profession, your occupation, your condition, your state of affairs …..instantly & immediatelyNOW!
-From employee to an employer.
-From ordinary worker to an extraordinary wonder
-From beggar to boss
-From liability to legend
-From simple to significant
-From lack to luxury
The list can go on…..
Do you believe this God Almighty ?
Yes my beloved , only our minds need healing to trust this God by grasping His love for us.
He is always mindful of the disabled , disqualified and the distanced . Yes , He is mindful of you ! You could very well be the next recipient of His awesome Glory & mind blowing Majesty! Hallelujah!
Can I have an amen? Amen !🙏

Praise Jesus !
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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