Understanding of Christ in me releases the great dunamis power from within me !

16th December 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ in me, The Glorious Hope !

“and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power”
Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Apostle Paul did not pray that power should be given to believers, but rather they should recognize the power of God in them.  Yes, we already have the great power of God resident in us to function as Champion Believers .  Hallelujah!

We should never underestimate God’s power in our lives. We have it in our trials & temptations for a testimony to His glory! It is a power that God exercises in & through our lives. This is a delegated power from God out of His unadulterated grace. It is important for believers to operate within the sphere of this great power of God graciously bestowed on our lives.

We cannot function in that POWER without a comprehensive understanding of the principles of the Scripture and applying them to experience it.
Let’s understand what Apostle Paul saying :
There are 4 different greek words used for power in this one verse (v 19):
1. Exceeding greatness of His POWER ( Greek :Dunamis) Dunamis, which is not explosive power like dynamite but resident power like a dynamo with inherent ability.
2. According to the WORKING (Greek: Energeia) means energising power.
3. Of His MIGHTY ( Greek: Kratos) means dominion power/authoritative power.
4. POWER ( Greek: Ischus) means endowed power or divine ability.

Now the application of the above 4 “Powers” in verse 19 is as follows :

God’s omnipotent power (dunamis) supplying grace to believers and His operational power (energeo) in us are provided by His ruling power (kratos) as understood from the Holy Scriptures. Once we begin to comprehend this, God releases from within us the inner power (ischus) to produce the momentum to replicate Christ in us. Hallelujah!

Possessing this kind of power should deliver us from being immobilized by all kinds of fears. This Power from God emboldens us to confront fear on its face and forge ahead with confidence. No matter what situation or pressures may threaten us, we have this power of God IN US to overcome every one of them victoriously .

Our prayer should be as follows :
“Holy Father , grant unto me the spirit of wisdom and revelation of Jesus Christ in me , that the eyes of my understanding be floodlighted to comprehend Your awesome , immeasurable, unlimited, Omnipotent dynamo power resident in me which is energised or made operational through the understanding of Your unmatched and unparalleled universal domination that is resident in me as an inner, inherent ability which is Christ in me”. Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus Mashiach!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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