Keep confessing Jesus as your T’sidkenu & your fiery trials will turn into fabulous triumphs!

24th August 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ in me – The Spirit of Glory

“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

David the Psalmist declares that when he was in distress, God enlarged him. So also, when you feel that you are stressed out due to fiery trials, it is then God enlarges you and brings you to rest . Amen !

David didn’t see his God-given-potentiality until he was challenged by Goliath. He knew that God had bestowed upon him the all-conquering -power. But, people saw that power during the great and dreadful encounter with Goliath.
What is the secret of this all-conquering -God’s-ability in him? It’s because David saw God as his righteousness ( T’sidkenu). He believed and confessed that His God who is His righteousness has also made him righteous.
Yes my beloved, God made Jesus to become sin with our sinfulness so that we might become righteous with His righteousness
( 2 Corinthians 5:21). That’s the secret of success!!

When you believe and confess Jesus as your righteousness – your T’sidkenu, you will begin to experience His great love for you and sure confidence shall spring up from within you. You will know that the fiery trials will eventually result in fabulous triumphs. This confidence in you will take the bull by its horn and will conquer giants just the way David conquered Goliath.

Sickness will bow down to you. Depression will vanish away into thin air. People will crown you with their appreciations. All because you truly believed and confessed that Jesus died for your sins and made you righteous forever! Amen 🙏

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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