Jesus finds the lost in His righteousness & restores them to His righteousness!

8th June 2022
Grace for you today !
Christ My Exalting Glory!

“I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:176‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

This verse puzzled me for years . How can one be mindful of God’s commandments and yet go astray from God? Its very ironic!

In fact, the whole psalm 119 talks about God’s law, His commandments, His statues, His Judgements, His ways and yet the Psalmist makes the above statement in the last verse of Psalm 119 where he admits that he had gone astray like a lost sheep. He is clueless & doesn’t know the way forward but he is seeking God’s help.

Yes my beloved, everyone comes to this crisscross in life feeling lost, going astray, not knowing what is the will of God, clueless even though one might have studied in a Christian school/college or brought up in Christian atmosphere or be a regular member of a church or regularly listening to God’s servants who bring the word of God every day just as ‘Grace for you today’. Are you in such a predicament?

One day the Holy Ghost opened my understanding to realize that this struggle( irony) is due to not seeking His Righteousness. Yes my friend, God’s righteousness in Christ Jesus alone can keep you always in His path of righteousness (Psalm 23:3). Jesus Christ came to save us . He is still the Saviour . Even today He seeks the lost. He reveals His righteousness and restores our soul & puts us back in the path of righteousness. Elijah was frustrated and was lost because he drifted to self righteousness. He was found by God’s righteousness & was restored by God’s righteousness. Amen 🙏

My beloved, you begin with God through His righteousness ( Lord I can’t, you can), you continue in His righteousness ( Lord not my obedience but your obedience) & you conclude your walk on earth with God through His righteousness . ( Philippians 3:9 , 2Tim 4:7 ) Amen 🙏
A fresh revelation of His righteousness will make a whole world of difference in your life wherever you are & will bring a paradigm shift !
Christ your exalting glory!!

Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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