Rejoice Always!

30th September 2020
Grace for you today
Jesus your Firewall !!

Rejoice always,”
‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

My beloved , as we come to the end of this month , I leave with you this simple yet one of the most powerful & liberating truth – REJOICE ALWAYS !

To a believer of Christ , there is every reason to rejoice always. The work of His redemption is over and complete . Therefore, every blessing from God is bound to be experienced’s just a matter of time . All things work together for good – whether good or bad – ALL THINGS! He will surely exceed your expectation since He is GOD – unfathomable, amazing and awesome in all His ways . His Grace always comes seeking you especially during times when everything seems lost .

He is even beyond all our praises and worship! He is simply God & He is our Firewall !! Therefore, REJOICE ALWAYS !!!

Praise Jesus
Grace Revolution Gospel Church

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