17th November 2020
Grace for you today !
God’s inheritance your Glory !!
“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.””
Romans 8:15 NKJV
To some people, God is an image or symbol to create fear in the hearts of the disobedient and the arrogant and the proud. Whereas some people , when they are hurt or betrayed or put down, pronounce curse using the name God saying , “ God will punish you “ to get even.
However, if only the love of Christ which was manifested full blown at the Cross, is revealed , even the most wretched sinner will surely repent . Repentance is not by threat but by sacrificial love .
This is the True gospel that remains unparalleled throughout all times & generations. The only Person who makes this great love of Jesus so real & so tangible in our lives is the Holy Spirit .
My beloved , if you are battling with family issues that are still unaddressed , just ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak in tongues .
Speaking in tongues is speaking love to the most wretched, speaking grace to the most unworthy, speaking healing to the badly hurting soul , speaking blessing to those who are hopeless & utterly devastated who think that they can never succeed .
This is God’s sure word of promise – Speak in Tongues & see miracles! Amen 🙏.
Praise Jesus!
Grace Revolution Gospel Church